
In Malcolm Gladwell’s new book, David and Goliath, he tells a story about the police in Brownsville, a New York neighborhood where, in 2003, the local police force decided one Thanksgiving to give out 125 turkey’s by going door to door to families that had been sited...

Pressure Meets Possibility

As sentient beings, our bodies are susceptible to pressure.  Pressure is physically defined as the amount of force exerted over a certain area.   Having bodies, we feel pressure as a bodily state.  There is a difference between feeling pressure as something of a force...

Mobilizing Creativity

Rumi writes: What in your life is a calling you, When all the noise is silenced, The meetings adjourned… The lists laid aside. And the Wild Iris blooms By itself In the dark forest… What still pulls on your soul? From school-aged time forward, (if not before) we are...